
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Piece of Lettuce.

Second grade. Outside is pouring rain. While sitting in class, out the window it almost looks as if someone dumped an entire swimming pool onto the school. While I sit there, ignoring everything my teacher has to say, I begin to debate with myself what puddles are going to be the largest to jump in during recess.

As the blackened rain clouds become washed out by the flash of lightening, each of us shriek with delight. Loud whispers pass between everyone "did you see that?" As my teacher was slowly beginning to get control back of the class, the thundered roared loudly. Needless to say, we all lost it! The principal came on over the intercom and announced that everyone was to stay inside the building for the reminder of the day. At that point... My teacher had no hope of regaining control. Her students were too far gone.

SWEEEEEET! That means indoor lunch and recess!!! My best friend and I look at each other eagerly. O the games we'll play as a class during our recess! Heads up 7-up maybe? Or will we play hot potato while SITTING ON OUR DESKS? O the possibilities are endless.

Indoor lunch meant that we were to go down to the cafeteria, get our food, come back to class, and eat at our desks. And that is just what we were doing. My best friend and I were eating our salads and seriously discussing the important things in life. Like boys, dance classes, and gia pets. As my best friend was telling me of the mysteries of life (according to an eight year old), I went to take a bite of my ranch drenched salad.

And that is the moment it happened. As I opened my mouth to insert the leafy green, it dropped. Right off my fork. Right onto my desk. I looked down at it, and before I look up, my best friend MID-SENTENCE says "didn't yo mamma ever teach yo mannas?" I giggle a little bit to myself, look in her eyes laugh. I open my mouth to make an excuse as to why that happened. The fork was defective. She was distracting me. Something. As my lips part to make this whole situation not my fault... I burped. Scratch that. I BELCHED.

This completely took me by surprise. My eyes widened and I sat there starring at my friend. I had already opened my mouth for a response, so I had to give her one. Quickly following, and without missing a beat, once the belched stopped I "matter-of-fact-ly" and smuggly replied "nope." Neither of us were able to finish our lunched because we were laughing so hard.

And there it is. My funny, happy memory from grade school. As you've finished reading this, I'm sure you've just shugged your shoulders and said "huh, I guess you had to be there." To which I want to tell you... no. You didn't. It was funny then. And 11 years later, it's still very funny.

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