
Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I was 13.

I was 13 when I was sitting talking to my ballet teacher,
we had a while before class was supposed to start,
and her and I had a great relationship.
We always talked
and could talk about everything.
but most of all...

We began talking about the boy I liked,
and she (like usual) gushed about her husband. 
Some how it came up how interesting it seemed that different guys
were attracted to different girls.

I remember this like it just happened,
she turned to me and said 
"yeah! some guys are more into pretty faces
and thin peitte bodies,
like my husband.
Then you'll find guys who like curvier girls like you;
unfortunately they tend to be more perverted"

She then back tracked a lot,
making clear that I wasn't fat,
Just significantly bustier than her 
(yes, even at 13)
and that my hips were bigger, 
not in a bad way though.
(and that I too, had a pretty face)

But she never took back the fact that guys attracted to girls,
that look like me,
tend to be perverts. 

This idea has been uncomfortably reinforced with 
"compliments" like:
"You have the natural body of a porn star"
"people pay a lot of money to get some of the curves you have"

I usually reply with
"that's the most offensive compliment I've gotten in a while"
They then explain why they're right.
And I stand there...
taking in the idea
once again
That my body is only appealing to a highly sexual mind.

poor me right?
Who is going to listen to me complain about this,
and take me the least bit serious...
probably no one.

But keep in mind,
after that conversation with my ballet teacher..
I started wearing clothes that were way too big for me,
and usually "boy" clothes.

While I've gotten a bit better,
I'm still really uncomfortable in anything
"figure flattering"

I'm writing all this because I recently stumbled on an ex boyfriends facebook page.
Now, when I say ex... I mean... like years and years and years ago ex.
His profile picture is of him and his new bride;
who is small,
nearly flat chested,
small hips,
and a very pretty face.

When we dated,
 I knew he struggled with an addiction to porn intermittently.
But as I sat there looking at this wedding picture,
I "heard" myself thinking,
"he's finally kicked the addiction.
good for him."

When I said/thought that though,
I was basing that completely on the fact that his wife 
didn't have a body like mine.

He was no longer a pervert.

I've spent most of my life walking around
(like many girls)
Hating my body.
picking apart every possible flaw,
noticing weight that "needed" to be lost, 
 despising each blemish that showed up.
Now imagine that,
while simultaneously cringing whenever someone expresses 
that they like my body at all,
because I automatically think,
"that's because you're a pervert, and only want to have sex"





  1. This is a very interesting post, Hillary. I suppose I've considered these ideas before, but I've never heard them explained quite so well. I'm sorry for the way those comments have affected you. Some people can be so inconsiderate. I'm willing to bet that most people can relate to your experiences in one way or another. It seems like the majority of women (and men) have similar image issues. I just want to say that you are an exceptionally lovely woman, and that you shouldn't always assume that men who find you attractive are perverts. In my experience with dating, physical attraction is only a motivating factor in the early stages. Physical attraction is what drives a man to initially ask out a woman. After a date or two, the motivating factor switches to intellectual attraction, or how well the two of you seem to get along and compliment each other. I believe that this intellectual attraction is what remains throughout the remainder of the relationship, and the physical attraction (while still important) becomes secondary.
    As a man, I can also confidently say that we are attracted to all different kinds of women. In my mind, I suppose I have a particular "type", but in my dating I feel motivated to ask out all kinds of girls who don't necessarily fit that "type". Every woman is beautiful in her own way. Yeah, you might have to filter out a few perverts along the way, but you will eventually find a good guy who loves you for who you are.

  2. I love your blog. It is so real and unashamed. You don't hide things, gloss over, or soften them and I have respect for that. I'm sorry you hate your body and pick yourself apart. I can relate. It's something I think we all have to deal with and hopefully get past. When I read your post I had this thought. "Hillary does have a beautiful face. But I have never looked at her body shape." There are guys that are only for the physical, and guys in general are more that way. But there are gentleman out there and you are a great person and will attract one of those awesome guys that loves you for you. Your inner beauty outshines your outer beauty. But both are beautiful. One day I hope you see that.

  3. As a fellow curvy girl, I think this post has a lot of truth to it. Constantly getting comments about your body really does something to a girl. The one I hated the most was a jr high teacher that used to call me Barbie in front of the class. I, like you, have always struggled with hating my body. I have always hated the idea that my boobs are probably the first thing people notice or remember about me. They don't first notice my personality, my sense of humor, or my intelligence-it is my boobs. And again, like you, I started wearing baggy clothes in the hope that it would hide my curves. With that said, even though we may have to deal with more than our fair share of perverta, I'm hopeful that not all men that find a curvier girl attractive are perverts. Like someone else said, physical attraction is only the beginning. People quickly become attracted to who you are as a person as well as your body, no matter what their 'type' might be. Curves do tend to attract perverts and weeding them out can really suck but having curves doesn't make gentlemen less likely to be attracted to you. You are an amazingly beautiful woman inside and out and I promise many gentlemen have thought the same thing and will continue to.
