
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Best Friends

I've been struggling with the concept of friends as of late. 
I'll actually be writing quite a hefty post about this...
but as for right now I'm just going to share a quick story.

 A few nights ago I was at my aunt's house. 
This wasn't a planned visit so I wasn't expecting much out of it.
She was busy.
Her husband wasn't home.
And my 4 year old cousin had a friend over.

Needless to say I just kinda did my own thing for a while.
Till my cousin's friend left and he came upstairs to say hi.
As we sat there talking and poking fun at each other,
he sounded out and pointed to a bunch of letters on the computer screen.
He just wanted to show me what he had learned.
I had a strange mix of excitement and a lump in my throat as he pointed to each letter.

I was so excited that he had learned so much since I last "read" with him,
and completely broken heart-ted  because he's just growing up so fast!
... to avoid actual tears, I quickly started tickling him while saying
that I loved him being little... 
that I was sad he was growing up
and that I just wanted him to be little and my best friend forever.
(we're declared best friends)

He whipped around and grabbed my face and said
"I'll always be your best friend"
I replied
"What about when you're a stinky ol' teenager that is too cool for me?"
He laughed and said 
"Hirry (that's how he says my name).... even when I'm big like you, we'll always be best friends"
I quickly asked
 He turned back around and slid off my lap and as he walked away said 

It's stupid... But he is... without a doubt... my best friend right now.

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