
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Grizzly Bear

My faithful readers:

For the past three weeks I've been dating a Grizzly Bear.

I've begged and begged him to grow a beard, and bi-golly he grew a mighty one. He complained multiple times about it being itchy, then I'd give him puppy dog eyes and say "please don't shave yet." Finally it became too much and he said he HAD TO SHAVE, so I struck a deal with him: One cute picture of us with the beard.

This is the best we could do with both being so tired today:

He's been a really good sport through the whole thing, so why wouldn't he be during the fun part? The shaving! So, for your entertainment I present to you: The Many Sides of Paul.

I call this look the "middle-aged-9to5-blue-collar-work-horse"

This next one is the "He-looks-creepy-but-is-actually-a-nice-guy" look.
Which, when paired with a blond girl, apparently looks like the "strange-couple-who-owns-a-day-care"
This is the "guy-that-makes-you-think-twice-about-going-clubbing." Or at least should.
...but his feelings are just so deep...
This is the guy you wanna punch in the face. He's the one who has full potential to be nice, but for some reason is just so overly proud in his soul patch that he's difficult to talk to.
This.... is the "I'm-done-being-told-what-to-do"
As much as I'll miss the beard, it was fun getting a "clean-shave-kiss"
But really...

......I'm gonna miss the Grizzly Bear.....

1 comment:

  1. I have a bear right now too :O) He's still in the "proud-that-my-wife-doesn't-hate-my-facial-hair" phase. His mom was a little freaked out. I love bear.
