
Monday, June 10, 2013

Musicality Monday 6.10

Good morning, good evening, good whatever it is to you.

Welcome to the first of many "Music Mondays"
I'm not really sure what this really means...
or even what I want it to mean,
But here's what it is right now:

I'm going to introduce you to my favorite
1...2...or possibly 3
song(s) of the week.

I might write more about the song than just posting the video.
I might not. 
 (I'll do whatever the heck I want)

So this first song isn't a new song in my life.
It's the kind of song that you dance to with the lights dimmed, 
the kind of dancing where you throw your head back and let the song consume your heart.
The song that your stomach turns when you listen to it,
but sometimes it just fits.

I didn't like this next song the first time I heard it.
Or the second time.
or third.
Honestly I still don't know how I feel about it,
but for whatever reason I find myself humming it
and it's hard to dispute her unique voice

What do you think?
What are your favorite songs right now?


1 comment:

  1. Recently my favorite songs are I Will Wait by Mumford and Sons, Sew My Name, and Lines on Palms, both by Josh Pyke, and Minnesota, WI by Bon Iver. :)
