
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Narnia Part I

I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to write. I just know it's not going to be a lot. This is just going to be a little reflective over view. (is any body else seriously struggling with motivation lately too?)

ok. Here is the news. I went to Washington DC! It was incredible. I loved every second of it.

Back up. Why did I go? I went because History is my minor in college and I spend a ton of money and time learning about this place, but all I did was read about it. It was no more real to me than Narnia. So. Life got a little rocky again and one morning I woke up with two very clear options for the day; I was either going to have a panic attack, or I was going to buy a plane ticket somewhere. So I called my aunt and did very little "talking into" and the next day we booked our flight!

It was incredible having her by my side on this trip. I think her expectations were different of me on the trip. She seemed to expect to be dragged around like a rag doll starting at 7 am every morning and just trying to see everything. She seemed to be grateful that I was more than happy to sleep in till 9 every day, and not wake her up for another hour. Although... I doubt she expected me to do so much soul searching on the trip. She was great. She handled everything like a champ and we both learned a lot on the trip.

Here are just a few...... very very very few highligths.

Dancing in front of the Capitol!

Carolyn Joined us one day (monday)!! It was so good to see her. She's just as lovely as I remembered.
Chair and I sitting on the steps of the Lincoln memorial gazing on the Amazing that is DC.
We had a lot of fun at all the different art museums. My favorite was when she'd turn to me and whisper "Hillary... I don't get it." That would usually happen in front of pieces that I actually really enjoyed.
I quoted Tom Hanks an absurd amount on the trip. For example, whenever ANYONE would talk about George Washington University I would turn to Chair and say "did you pledge?..............everyday." (it's from "Big") I also did a lot of Forest Gump lines, even calling her Jennay a few times.
I was disappointed with a few things I had high expectations of, and blown away by things I wasn't even expecting to see. I found this at the National Gallery of Art and I find it to be flawless. This is an absolutely incredible piece with so much symbolism and meaning behind it. Love it!
I know how to act like a lady. And I did most of the time. But let there be no mistake.... when it was appropriate... I was a total goof ball.
Like I said, it was a great trip with a lot of "looking within." I'm so glad I had my aunt with me and I adored the family we stayed with. Coming home was strangely excited for both of us, but we wouldn't have traded our time for anything.

1 comment:

  1. I love that first pic, it's my fave cus it totally rocks! Looks like fun i've never been and this makes me want to go. Hope your doing well!
