
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Drum Roll Please....

I need you to meet someone.
His name is Paul. (Paul Busk if you wanna facebook stalk him) He isn't much short of my "knight in shinning armour" right now.

I'm gonna tell you a little bit about him now.

-He went to Bountiful High (I know, I know, it's still hard for me when I really think about it). -He served a full time two year mission in Bolivia. -He's Ringo in a Beatles cover band with his Father. -He's graduating with honors this December with a bachelors degree from Weber State University in Family Studies. -He doesn't like advice on school, unless he asks for it. -~WEBER IS A GREAT SCHOOL~- -He's going to be a Marriage and Family Therapist. -He is easily the most well liked person in his position at his job. -He loves J. Crew, the Gap, and Urban Outfitters (only the pants there though). -He likes candy. Mostly chocolate. -His favorite sport is Basketball. He "retires" about once a month. But... usually plays again. (Usually means always right here) -He has two sisters, who he adores. -He has a mother that he loves more than I think he has words for. -He has a father that is as quirky as they come, but has been the absolute perfect match for him. -He has an incredible knowledge and understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sounds great right? Yeah... but you still don't even know why I'm so crazy about him.

So. I'm now going to introduce you to the man I'm dating.

-He's the guy who remembers to grab a blanket before sitting down, because he knows I like to cuddle.

- He's the guy who picks up my favorite fruit to have with our dinner.

-He's the guy who has bought multiple soups and boxes of crackers to take care of a sick girlfriend.

- He's the guy who has never lied to me, even when he knows how hard the truth will be to hear.

-He's the guy who's held me while I've cried next to my mother's grave.

-He's the one I watch Seinfeld, The Daily Show, and The Simpsons with.

-He's the one who notices my freckle under my left eye.

- He's the one who laughs because my jokes are so stupid he is shocked I even said them.

-He's the guy who doesn't just tell me I'm beautiful, but makes me feel it

-He's the one who knows finishes what he starts.

-He's the guy who knows (most the time) how to make decisions

-He's the one who reminds me of all that I want to be.

-He's the one that inspires me to be better.

-He's the guy who cries during Schindler's List.

-He's the guy who won't settle for less than the best.

-He's an incredible worker.

-He's the greatest thing to ever happen to the sinner.

-He's the one I've shared the most painful details of my life.

-He's the guy who listens to me complain, then makes me come with a plan to improve the situation.

-He's the guy who's going to be incredible at his career.

-He's the future Bishop of a Singles Ward.

-He's the guy I giggle with, cry with, argue with, and day dream with.

-He's the reason I own skinny jeans.

-He's my Best Friend.

-He's the guy who thinks kissing pictures are trashy (which they are a bit).

-This is the guy that gives me butterflies.

-This is the man I'm in love with.

This.... is Paul Busk.



  2. Sounds like a good guy! Glad things are going well!!

  3. ok, hilllary you make me want to cry, in happiness!!
